Click on the links below to hear sample tracks in mp3 format.
Silentio – third movement from Lamentations of Jeremiah
Elmer Iseler Singers & Jeff Reilly
Lux Aeterna
Acadia Gamelan directed by Ken Shorley
Veni Creator
Peter-Anthony Togni
Illuminations – Mysteries of Light
Jeff Reilly & String Orchestra
Togni Trio – Togni, Rose, Gould
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
The Elmer Iseler Singers
Prelude in C
Togni Trio – Togni, Gould, Koller
Fabulous website! Great idea to have the sound track samples. I loved Black Sun video.
Jeff was more subdued. I look forward to further news of the talented and gifted composer
Peter Anthony Togni.